Monday, December 22, 2008

VMWare Player on Opensuse 11.1

after upgrading to openSUSE 11.1 i had the following error with VMware player.
even after reinstalling.

fezbox:/data/Appz # vmplayer
Logging to /tmp/vmware-root/setup-14605.log
modinfo: could not find module vmmon
modinfo: could not find module vmnet
modinfo: could not find module vmblock
modinfo: could not find module vmci
modinfo: could not find module vsock
modinfo: could not find module vmmon
modinfo: could not find module vmnet
modinfo: could not find module vmblock
modinfo: could not find module vmci
modinfo: could not find module vsock
/usr/bin/vmplayer: line 31: 14605 Segmentation fault "$BINDIR"/vmware-modconfig --appname="VMware Player" --icon="vmware-player"


Login as root

mv /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary /usr/lib/vmware/modules/binary_old


vmware will reconfigure and will run.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

OSX iPrint Problem Resolved

The problem was the version of iPrint that was installed from the server was an old version.

I installed the latest mac osx iPrint client from Novell (iprintdmg436) and the printer installed from the iPrint webpage.

OSX iPrint Problems

I have been trying to install iPrint printer in Mac OSX however I have been running into problems.
I can install the printers fine on my OSX machine (an old powerbook G4).
However i was unable to install the printers on the newer intel osx machines.
I originally thought there was a driver issue causing the browser to crash.
However, i recently attempted to install the printer on another powerpc and the browser was also crashing.
Then it hit me,
my machine is updated with all the osx updates.... these other machines (well i know for sure the other powerpc mac) are not up-to-date.
So I am going to install the latest patches and try again....

Friday, November 21, 2008

OSX iPrint to Konica Minolta Printer in Grayscale

install iPrint client
download the konica minolta drives from the website.
I had to use the Linux drivers.

once the drivers are uploaded to the iprint server you can assign the driver to the printer.

Now install the printer on your mac through iPrint.

Now to setup grayscale printing you must manually change the settings on each osx manchine by using cups.
goto: on the osx machine

Click on > Manage Printers > Set Printer Options
change the following settings:

Select Colour to Gray scale.

click on apply settings

You will get some warning messages

# RGB Source(Text)
# RGB Source(Photo)
# RGB Source(Graphic)

set all of these to None

Now is also a good time to set the Papersize to the correct setting.

Apply settings

Formatting External SMT Raid Enclosure in OSX

I was unable to format an external enclosure using the disk utility in osx.
It would jsut error out.

However I found a command line to format the drive.

First do the following:
Open Terminal and run:
diskutil list

This tells you the location of the drives on your mac.
In my case i only have 1 internal drive and 1 external drive plugged in.
The external drive is disk1.

Then to format the drive run the following command in termainal:
diskutil eraseDisk "Journaled HFS+" desiredvolumename disk1

where desiredvolumename is the name yo wish to assign the drive

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I ran into some issues with MySQL Foreign Key errors apon updating to the latest OTRS.
As our DB was old, it was using MyISAM which was the default for MYSQL 3.
I have changed all the OTRS tables to InnoDB

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008

Upgrading OTRS 2.2.8 to 2.3.3 on SLES 10

Download the rpm package from

The instructions on upgrading can be found in opt/otrs

Stop all services
"rcotrs stop-force"
Backup everything - the otrs direcotry (opt/otrs and the mysql DB.

run the rpm

run the mysql upgrade scripts (I used the mysql query administrator to do this)
i ran into errors when doing this and had to manually step through each line of the sql script.

Run the migration script (you need ot run as the OTRS user, not as root)

however i ran as root and when finsihed run

run the 2nd mysql update script

Restart the OTRS services
rcotrs restart-force

OTRS on SLES 10SP2 32bit

Migrating OTRS 2.28 to a new server
then upgrading to OTRS 2.3

To install OTRS in SLES 10sp2 you need to instal some extra perl-gd packages.
The packages can be installed form the SLES10SDK-x86 SP2 DVDs
I managed to find an online repository using google search.

Once you have the packages you must manually install all the "Perl-gd-*" packages
for some reason they wont install automatically (well they wouldnt for me when i attempted to install otrs from the rpm file)

Anyways, once all the perl-gd packages are installed you can then install otrs.
double click on the rpm and away you go.
You will be prompted to install some extra packages, this will be done automatically.

Friday, November 14, 2008

SLES 10 sp2 32bit on XenServer

Install the Guest Agent
once installed, mount the xs-tools iso to install the guest agent

mount /dev/xvdd /mnt

Execute the installation script as the root user

Reboot the VM

Monday, February 11, 2008

Cron Job - cron tabs

the otrs cron file disappeared from
so i had to add the file back in there.
I wonder if i have this setup wrong or was it just a once off thing?
anyways i will monitor it and if it happens again i will reconfigure the cron.

Monday, February 04, 2008

SLES 10 sp1 OTRS - Cron Jobs

after setting up a new OTRS installation (
I had to setup a cron job to pop emails from our server to check for new tickets.
This website helped -

Cron Job to setup was listed on the otrs website
i added in

# --
# cron/postmaster_pop3 - postmaster_pop3 cron of the OTRS
# Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Martin Edenhofer
# --
# $Id: installation-and-basic-configuration.xml,v 1.10 2006/09/07 13:15:07 cs Exp $
# --
# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# --
# fetch emails every 10 minutes
*/10 * * * * $HOME/bin/ >> /dev/null
# --
to the file