Atlassian - an AUS software co - check out this video -
I really like their values - sounds like a really cool place to work.
The video is awesome too.
This is how Australian software company Atlassian present their values on their web site’s about page:
What we stand for
Atlassian is an Australian software company specialising in collaboration and development tools.
Our mission is to build a different kind of software company — one that listens to client needs, values innovation in development and solves customer problems with brilliant simplicity.
What we value
Open company, no bullshit
Atlassian embraces transparency wherever at all practical, and sometimes where impractical. All information, both internal and external, is public by default. We are not afraid of being honest with ourselves, our staff and our customers.
Build with heart and balance
Everyday we try to build products that are useful and that people lust after. Building with heart means really caring about what we're making and doing — it's a mission, not just a job. When we build with balance we take into account how initiatives and decisions will affect our colleagues, our customers and our stakeholders.
Don't #@!% the customer
When we make internal decisions we ask ourselves “how will this affect our customers?” If the answer is that it would 'screw' them, or make life more difficult, then we need to find a better way. We want the customer to respect us in the morning.
Play, as a team
We want all Atlassians to feel like they work with Atlassian, not for Atlassian. We think it's important to have fun with your workmates while working and contributing to the Atlassian team.
Be the change you seek
We think Gandhi had it pretty right when he said “We need to be the change we wish to see in the world”. At Atlassian we encourage everyone to create positive change — we're constantly looking for ways to improve our company, our products and our environment.
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